Anesthesia Archives - A+ Dental Houston Pediatric Specialists Mon, 08 Jul 2019 22:03:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Is Dental Anesthesia Safe for Children? Mon, 22 Jul 2019 09:00:53 +0000 The post Is Dental Anesthesia Safe for Children? appeared first on A+ Dental.


As a parent, your child’s safety is always going to be your number one concern. If your child is going to be receiving dental sedation, you may be concerned regarding their safety. It is important to recognise that dental anesthesia is safe for children, so long as it is carried out correctly, of course. Dentists can often recommend sedation for procedures that are complicated and lengthy. This also may be recommended if your child is extremely nervous and will not sit still for the procedure. Below, we will reveal more about the safety of pediatric dental anesthesia in Houston so that you can get a better understanding. 

The current guidelines regarding pediatric dental anesthesia

It is important to recognize that there are currently rules and regulations in place regarding pediatric dental anesthesia. As per the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and American Academy of Pediatrics and their guidelines, which were updated in 2019, there are set requirements in place when it comes to providing general anesthesia or deep sedation to children. This includes the fact that there must always be two people in the room that have the training to provide advanced life support problems in case there are any issues. Of course, the chances of this are very low. However, it should give you peace of mind knowing that extra precautions will be taken. One of these individuals is going to be the oral surgeon or dentist that is providing the procedure, whereas the other will be an independent observer. The independent observer needs to be a dentist anesthesiologist, a second oral surgeon, a certified registered nurse anesthetist, or a physician anesthesiologist. 

The different types of anesthesia and sedation used on children

There are a number of different types of pediatric dental anesthesia and sedation that can be used on children. The solution used will be chosen based on the procedure being carried out and how your child is feeling/reacting to the prospect of treatment. General anesthesia is when your child will be asleep and will not experience any sort of pain. However, there are a few other options too. This includes deep sedation, moderate sedation, mild sedation, and nitrous oxide. The latter is the least invasive; it is a mild sedative that is commonly known as laughing gas. It helps children feel relaxed, and so it is sometimes used when they are feeling nervous. 

Contact us today for more information about pediatric dental anesthesia

If you would like more information about pediatric dental anesthesia or you would like to book a dental appointment for your child, please do not hesitate to get in touch to find out everything you need to know. We are open five days a week. Our opening hours are between 11 am and 7 pm Tuesday – Friday, and 10 am until 2 pm on Saturday. You can reach us on 832-241-3434. We also have a contact form on our website, which you can use in order to request an appointment. 

The post Is Dental Anesthesia Safe for Children? appeared first on A+ Dental.
